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My girlfriend is learning html and css recently. I told her to follow the video. Here, I recommend a video in Chinese that suite for fresh learners. The name of course is Getting HTML web pages dev in 8 hours ( 8小时学会HTML网页开发 ) . I watched this video at very first time. The teacher named Eighteen Swallows ( 燕十八 ) . He teached very clear even himself being on screen to show what is float or box-model.
Here is the site of the free online video.
I did the detailed note about this course. You can read here: http://wenku.baidu.com/view/aa136099f90f76c660371a35
Now I’ll tell something happend today. She has watched the video above, and knows a little on BootStrap. So she wants to do some pages with BootStrap.
We determined to copy the pages on Zhihu
Like this:
I teached her Boostrap this afternoon. She has already got to read the docs and can code simple statics pages.
She seems to enjoy Web Pages Design. Though she used to be a Graphic Designer. And now, she really works hard.
At last I’ll show the works that we did together in 2 hours. It’s unfinished. I guess she will do it later. It’s a nice weekend, isn’t it?
screenshot of copy Zhihu:
- 本文标题:Teach Girlfriend to make a Web Pages like Zhihu
- 创建时间:2015-03-21 15:14:54
- 本文链接:posts/1cdc.html
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